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Pre-Flight Checks

Axis Directions

Axes movements are based on relative spindle movements and not the movement of the work table.

This may be confusing to new users, but to simplify the setup process we've created a diagram based on the table movement instead. Use this as a reference to setup your axes direction in your config.g file.

For your Z axis the spindle should move up for Z+ and down for Z-.

Axis direction diagram

Endstop Query

Ensure that all your endstops are working correctly. To do this, press each endstop individually and enter M119 in the Duet web control console while holding the endstop closed. If it does not return as triggered, then check your wiring and or your endstop setup in config.g.

Homing Check

Ensure that all you homing routines in homeall.g, homex.g, homey.g and homez.g work appropriately. You should make sure your Z routine works first by running G28 Z from the console or clicking the 'Home Z' button in Duet Web Control. Once Z homes correctly, you can test X and Y, and then finally use the 'Home All' button or simply G28 in the console.

Steps-per-mm Calibration

You must ensure that when you move your axes X amount of millimeters it actually moves X amount of millimeters.

If you do not know how to do this you can follow this guide.

Check Backlash Compensation

Using an indicator, check all your axes for backlash by moving them back and forth and checking for variance.

If you are not happy with the amount of backlash then you can snug up the Anti-backlash nuts.

Tram Work Surface

Make sure you tram your spindle appropriately to your work table.

If you are using a fixture of some kind, tram your spindle with reference to that instead.

Spindle speed control

First, ensure your VFD is set up correctly according to its manual.

Then make sure to set your max spindle speed in config.g. Under the spindle section of your config find the line beginning with M950 and change the value found after L to your maximum spindle speed e.g. L24000.

Grease everything!

If you have not done so yet make sure that all lead-screws and rails are appropriately greased and or oiled.

A good quality lithium grease (e.g. EP2) is recommended for this job.


With all of your pre-flight checks completed, you're ready to use your machine. Record a video of your first cut and submit it on our Discord to receive your serial!